
India1Much has been told and made out of the Indian culture or way of life ! Here is a doodle that represents the multiple facets of life in India and how diverse a single frame can be. While on one side , there could be swanky buildings and high fliers , there is a perfect contrast to the poor man who makes his living each day. The high society individuals who wouldn’t mind spending a fortune on food and clothes , while there are people who can barely make enough money for one square meal. Agnostics and atheists on side , while there are pious individuals who pray every minute of their breath for the well being of their families. People aimlessly destroying nature on one side , while there are conservationists who tirelessly fight for nature.

Amidst these differences and opinions , there is a hopeful Indian in every person who thrives amidst diversity and makes the most of his life each day.

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